This from today's Daily News:
Named after his dad's favorite player, 16-month-old Jeter Villacis is recovering from a delicate, lifesaving heart transplant at Montefiore Medical Center last week.
Little Jeter underwent the nine-hour surgery Friday afternoon, just a few miles away from Yankee Stadium
While Weinstein was operating, the Bronx Bombers took Game 2 of their playoff series against the Minnesota Twins in a dramatic, come-from-behind victory.
(Bold my emphasis, Click the above link for the full article)
The Yankees, of course, are no strangers to mixing kids, miracles and baseball.
The most famous might be when Babe Ruth visited a sick kid, promised to hit a home run, and then does so, but there have been others.
There have been some more recent karma-boosting examples, however.
Like when Matsui was a representative of a program aimed at"fostering international exchange between American and Japanese children. " The kids asked Matsui to hit one home run; he hit two the next day.
Then, just this season, Brett Gardner visited a girl waiting for a heart transplant, didn't promise any home runs (he's Brett Gardner) and then proceeded to hit an inside-the-park home run, anyway.
Also this season, the Yankees had their "HOPE Week", where the most memorable event may have been when the team hosted a group of kids with a rare disorder, XP, that makes them allergic to the sun. As you probably remember, the kids stayed all night, as did various Yankees, such as AJ Burnett, having a carnival on the field.
What you might also remember is that the Yankees did not lose a single game during the entirety of HOPE Week.
Karma or coincidence, take your pick.
Now, all young master Villacis needs is a visit from his namesake, and, well...
Oh, and watch this video. It's full of awesome.