Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thoughts and Wishes with Bobby Murcer

According to the Daily News and Star Ledger, Bobby
Murcer is scheduled to undergo a brain biopsy

There is an area that is apparently either necrosis (scar tissue) or a new tumor; let's hope it's the former.

My thoughts are with him and his family.


  1. Rebecca - as you know my thoughts and prayers too are with Bobby and his family.
    (By the way, can you tell me how to post a link? Thanks Rebecca)

  2. Fran: the code for a link is

    SHIFT and ,

    then type

    a href=


    SHIFT and .


    the text you want the viewer to see as the link


    SHIFT and ,

    then type /a (The / is supposed to be there)


    SHIFT and .

    (I can't actually type it out or it will come out as a link!)

  3. Good luck to that guy.

    Post a link like this:

    <a href="">Example Link<a/>

    And this will display as:

    Example Link

    ( If you want to write "<" & ">" without 'em being parsed as HTML use "&lt;" and "&gt;". :)

  4. Rebecca and Erik - thanks for your help. Will try it and let you know how it goes.

  5. Bobby Murcer is so important to Yankee fans because he is such a genuinely nice person. He’s always got time for people and he really cares. That’s why we care about him so much. We expect to see him on Opening Day.
