Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Preview A day Keeps the Winter Away, #26

For the month of March I will be doing a season preview, with a new team each day, going in alphabetical order by team so I can save the Yankees for last, because I am, in fact, that devious.

As this is a Yankees' blog, the previews for AL East teams will be more detailed than those of AL Central and AL West teams, and any AL team previews will be more detailed than NL team previews, save maybe for the Mets. Each preview will involve consideration of how much 'threat' a team is to the Yankees, for fairly obvious reasons.

Up today: The Kansas City Royals

A couple of years ago the Royals were the worst team in the American League (if not all of baseball) no questions asked. While they still might not be legitimate playoff contenders, they have made some significant strides--nearly finishing out of the AL Central basement last year as well.

In Gil Meche, Zack Greinke and Brian Bannister are solid pitchers, though there are significant questions outside the three.

While they don't have many names that jump out at you as far as regulars go, but they did sign Jose Guillen and some of their young players, such as Billy Butler show potential.

The Royals have not made a postseason berth since 1985 and it's not likely to change this year, but they are laying the foundations for a future run, and look to be moving in the right direction.

Threat to the Yankees: Green, Proceed Normally.

I don't remember what our record against them was last year, but I know we swept them at least once, and I think maybe twice (or we at least took two of three), so I doubt the Yankees feel terribly threatened by them.

1 comment:

  1. The Royals are a better team than in past years and even attract free agents. I don't think that they are the doormats of the league (that may be the Orioles),but the Yankees should win 6 of 7.
