Thursday, December 13, 2007

What's In a Name?

[EDIT]: Another list circulating around the internet links Mo Vaughn and Jason Varitek with the Mitchell Report.

[EDIT]: First definitive names from ESPN: Clemens, Tejada, Paul LoDuca, Fernando Viña, Denny Neagle, Rondell White.

[EDIT]: Okay, the internet list was largely bogus. Add to the list, Ron Villone, Jason Grimsely, Mike Stanton. Still looking for Red Sox names, but 400 pages is a lot to read through, and I only have time to skim.

[EDIT]: I finally figured out you can do a search on Adobe.

Clemens, Pettitte, Justice, Knoblauch, Villone, Grimsley, Stanton, Neagle, Rondell White and a few others you may not remember.

Red Sox:
Mo Vaughn, Manny Alexander, Eric Gagné, Mike Spinelli, Paxton Crawford, Josias Manzanillo, Roger Clemens, Mo Vaughn, Chris Donnels, Mike Lansing, Kent Mercker, Mike Stanton, Brendan Donnelly, Steve Woodard

So it seems that there is at least some anti-NY tint, though given the sources of McNamee and Radomski, that's not all that surprising.

All in all, I'm not terribly disappointed. Pettitte and Brian Roberts are the most disappointing names to me, though you may disagree.

However, the 'core' of Jeter-Rivera-Posada was not implicated, neither were Bernie Williams or Paul O'Neill, and neither is Alex Rodriguez.

There are some curious absences, such as Pudge Rodriguez, (maybe) David Ortiz, etc.

you can view the complete, accurate list here

Feel free to discuss this amongst yourselves and whatnot, but I have some Boccaccio and Petrarch to re-familiarize myself with, and about a foot of snow to shovel off my car. Two thirty PM and they still haven't plowed my road.

A reminder: The SPORTSTALKNY webcast is on tonight at nine, with guests Neil Best and Zack Hample. A link to the webcast can be found in posts below.

I will talk about, of course, the Mitchell Report and A-Rod finalizing his contract.


  1. Rebecca---I enjoy your commentary on Pete's lh blog. You have my deep sympathy for the Syracuse Wx.

    I'll be adding your url to my blog. Best of luck w/exams.

  2. Juke: Thank you! Which is your blog so I may return the favor?

  3. It is disappointing to see Andy's name mixed in, but at the same time I am happy that none of the big three, A-Rod, Robbie, Melky, or Wanger are involved.

    Good luck trying to fight off the snow! It's a bit cold here in the Memphis area- temps around 50, but it could be much worse!!

  4. Why is ortiz a curious omission?

  5. Anon--Rumor is that in the DR, where Ortiz is from, Ortiz's use was not well hidden.

  6. Boccaccio would be an excellent name for a Siamese cat, and Petrarch for a Bassett Hound.

  7. "Rumor is that in the DR, where Ortiz is from, Ortiz's use was not well hidden."

    Well, I don't see you linking to any credible rumors. Besides, this isn't high school. You shouldn't put so much faith in a rumor.

  8. Anon, if you had the courage of YOUR convictions, maybe you would not shroud your identity in secrecy.
