Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Mid-Month Report Card?

Okay guys, gals and gender unspecifieds!

So, it's been about half a month now that I've kept this going, which, for me, is a really long time to get anything going. If I last past the month, and right now there seems to be no reason to think otherwise, I think I'd be in the clear to call this a successful venture.

So I'd like to know what you all think.

How am I doing so far? I've never done a blog like this before, and I'd love to make it as entertaining as possible, so you, my loyal or just-stumbled-upon-this reader will want to check back...

What have I done well? More importantly, what should I work on? Do my pregame/game recaps work? Is there something of which you'd like to see more or less?

I'm a baseball fan, not a baseball journalist or scholar, and thus there are quite a few things I don't know, but I guess you can call it learning on the job. For example, I learned on Saturday the difference between pitching from the wind up and pitching from the stretch...

I know most of the readers here are from PeteAbe's blog; I'm curious to know if there are any who have come across this blog from Google or another site...

So yeah.

Let me know what you think.

This is like a baby and you know what they say: If you build develop nurture it, they will come!


  1. Hey! I haven't abandoned my tradition of posting after wins, I just have to get in bed early because of a new job. Your blog is super terrifico and I wouldn't change a thing. I enjoy it tremendously!!

  2. I just started reading your blog and I really like it. I found out about it on Peter's blog.

    You are a breath of fresh air over there compared to what it was like earlier in the season with so many people crying and saying the Yankees were done - you remember those people... all the "realists."

    Yeah they're pretty damn quiet now.

    Of course there are many optimists but only one, ahem...

    "Queen - of optimism...."

    Keep up the great work!

    Sean - 27 in '07

  3. Blogs great Becca

    Keep up the good work!

    And go Yankees!

  4. good job. I came over from Pete's blog also. I like your optimism and energy. Sometimes I think the Yankees could borrow a bit of both from you.

    I like the way the Bronx Banter site numbers the comments. It is then a lot easier to pick up where you left off reading. I wish Pete's blog would change to that also.

    Keep up the good work.

  5. I think you're doing an excellent job, Rebecca! I like your writing style, and your sense of optimism is refreshing after reading other blogs filled with naysayers and bandwagoners. This blog is a homey, friendly place, like a bunch of friends sitting around, chatting baseball. That's really cool - learning about the difference between the windup and the stretch [it was neat hearing you relate that to us :-) ] Thank you - please keep up the good work!

  6. Also found it from Peter's blog and echo previous (positive)sentiments. I like the way you incorporate the historical, literary, political asides in a light-hearted but positive way. You are a talented writer....how in the world do you balance your love of Yankees/baseball/sports in general with school requirements?!

  7. Anon--My secret is leaving papers to the night before they're do.

    And, they don't play baseball for most of the school year...

  8. ...I mean, due.

    Sorry. It's been a long day.

  9. Leaving papers until the night before works great if the Yankees have just had one of those wins that gets the adrenaline going a lot better than any caffeinated drink (I can think of a few recently) so hope you have something due tomorrow.

  10. you are doing a wonderful job rebecca. you have great insight to the game and most important of all you are a fan. you don't tear people down. you not so silently root for your team!!!! :)

  11. Anon--I got one due Thursday!

    Which should make tomorrow afternoon/evening interesting, to say the least!

  12. I like your blog. You are doing a wonderful job here. Please keep this blog in your style simply because this is not just some other blog. I like the enthusiasm and passion you put in the both pre-game and post-game report.

    My work at lab and course at school are starting get heavier then ever. It will only get worst since my major is CSE. I am afraid that I will not be able to watch Yankees game the rest of season. However, I will definitely check here and Pete's blog as often as I can.
