Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Pregame Notes 25 September 2007

Win tonight, and the Yankees are IN.

Detroit could also lose, but I think I speak for most when I say the Yankees would rather win.

We've got a great chance to do it: playing Tampa, a home away from home, and the Rocket on the mound, and the Yankees bats beyond DUE for a big game--they haven't hit a home run now in at least two games, maybe three...

EDIT: According to Pete Abraham, Rocket has been scratched, and Kei Igawa will be on the mound.

Optimism, everyone, we need lots of it!

Anyway, right now, it's all about how badly the Yankees want to get in--rookie hazing's over (though it was quite a laugh), and you wouldn't know it in Syracuse, but autumn technically started last week...

Seriously. It's 89F outside right now! This isn't even baseball weather; this is Dante weather! The leaves are showing some color, but it's not the same as it is when it's in the low 60s and you get that wonderful smell...

Okay, enough babble.

If I want to watch the Yankees clinch the division tonight, I need to get my geography paper done!


  1. It is a great feeling...particularly as compared to early in the season when it appeared they would have difficulty just playing .500.

    I'm not worried about who they play, but would like to have home field advantage. I would also like them to be Eastern Div. champs, as I think it would help their confidence.

    In any event, lets break out the refreshments tonight after we clinch. Hmmmm.... that was NOT meant to be erotic. Sorry. Go Yankees.

  2. The chips are down [just a little] with Kei Igawa being called to the mound. This could be Iggy's last chance to leave a good impression before a long, hard winter [for him]. I'm pulling for the guy.
    Igawa-san!! Hajime!!! Fierce as a Flying Monkey! ;-) Go Yankees!

  3. I'm pulling for him too. But, I can't say that I am confident that he will do well. Hopefully, they will give him a short rope. There are plenty of other pitchers in the BP who can go more than one inning.

  4. Maybe this is Igawa's night to shine..

    I think we'll know pretty quick.

  5. Maybe we will get a lead in the first, and Iggy can hang on to it :-)

  6. Mayhap, but I could do without spice, just for tonight :-(

  7. Oh man, me too.

    Stomach's been bothering me all day, anyway...
